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Nasdaq 100 - Tópico Geral

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Re: Nasdaq 100

por rsacramento » 13/8/2023 17:41

andraderui Escreveu:(...) dei-me com um PFR (...)

menos é mais
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por andraderui » 13/8/2023 15:54

Só agora dei por este possível trade. Fui atualizar o gráfico e dei-me com um PFR que tanto aprecio quando é ativado na vela seguinte.
Teria sido bonito, no entanto, o gráfico continua tristonho!
O indicador na parte de baixo é o RSI.
Este post não é nenhuma recomendação de compra ou venda.
Os meus desenhos ... https://invest-xpto.webnode.pt/
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 15/6/2023 17:55

Agora estamos assim, mas o NDx100 está atrasado em relação ao spx que tem o topo do canal 1% acima, portanto ainda não entro curto, é esperar. Sendo que a estratégia passou a ser entrar curto nos topos. Posso estar a ver mal, mas a recessão vem aí, outra coisa é saber se -apesar disso- a febre da inteligência artificial leva o índice a maximos. Isso não sei. Penso que os longos fecham ali nas proximidades de 15300 e abrem curtos. É aí que espero entrar. :wink:
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Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Pata-Hari » 15/6/2023 17:40

Não queres meter um "boneco"?
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 15/6/2023 9:00

Quase de novo no topo do canal, mais um pulo e entra de novo em zona de um pequeno ferro curto. Por ora vai embalado par o objetivo em 15300 pontos.
Mensagens: 9969
Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 18/5/2023 9:08

Entrada curta? Ainda é cedo. O nasdaq está imparável com algumas ações a quebrarem resistências importantes. Mais próximo de 13700, aí uma pequena entrada para testar o bicho destemido :mrgreen:
Mensagens: 9969
Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 17/5/2023 8:20

Parecem exageradas estas subidas a contra ciclo do índice? Dizem que é efeiro da inteligência artificial. Até sexta feira a inteligência natural deverá levá-lo ao objetivo, a partir daí veremos se aguenta assim tão inteligente artificial. :lol:
Mensagens: 9969
Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 16/5/2023 16:02

Agora mais perto do objetivo. Caso o atinja hoje meterei aqui um ferrinho curto. Começa a ser muita esperança na inteligência artificial. Quando a esmola é muita, o pobre desconfia. Em 13600 vai um curto. :wink: :wink:
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Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 10/5/2023 21:25

Objetivo acima de 13600? Pois é, parece ser esse o caso do Nasdaq100. :mrgreen:
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Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por KAWA » 30/4/2023 9:40

agradeço link q permita ter profundidade de cofres para ações do Nasdaq
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Apramg » 27/4/2023 22:01

Bom fecho. Vamos ver a Ásia como reage overnight e como acorda o nosso psi. Será desta que quebra a mítica resistência dos 6200-6300?
Mensagens: 344
Registado: 5/9/2013 12:26

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Àlvaro » 27/4/2023 14:12

O Facebook a puxar pelo Nasdaq. E vai com força fechar o Gap que deixou ali nos 260/270.
Mensagens: 9969
Registado: 31/5/2014 23:07

Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 21/4/2023 10:47

Vou deixar aqui este artigo do FT onde se anuncia de certa forma a morte do Silicon Valley, bem pelo menos existe um declino evidente.

Alegam existir uma percepção que não está alinhada com as estatísticas, mas como sempre cozinhar estatísticas é algo que faz parte da formação na vida politica.

Outro ponto interessante é que os preços habitacionais continuam completamente inacessíveis aos trabalhador assalariado o que tal como tenho referido noutros tópicos indica que vivemos actualmente num regime feudal, é urgente que os governos criem leis progressivistas no sentido de limitar a acumulação de propriedade.

Hollowing out of San Francisco raises fears over status as top tech hub

At rush hour on a recent morning in downtown San Francisco, passengers exiting the Civic Centre station had to step over a discarded hypodermic needle, an all too common sight in a city where open air drug use has become unremarkable.

Around the station, usage of which has plunged two-thirds since 2019, the most obvious presence was not commuters heading into work but rather groups of homeless people and workers from a social enterprise trying to help them.

Homelessness and addiction are nothing new in San Francisco, which has fought a long campaign to house the vulnerable, but a surge of office vacancies following the pandemic has left the city feeling increasingly hollowed out.

Meanwhile, fears over crime hit fever pitch earlier this month following the fatal stabbing of Bob Lee, the 43-year old founder of mobile payments service Cash App. His death was seized on by Elon Musk and others as evidence that a liberal approach to law and order had allowed crime to go unchecked, until it later emerged Lee was in fact known to his suspected assailant.

Still, the hasty conclusion that Lee was a victim of pervasive lawlessness only served to underline fears that empty offices and crime will combine to unseat San Francisco as the premier hub for global tech.

Salesforce last week put the remaining six floors of a San Francisco tower that bears its name on the market, as it became the latest tech group to slash its footprint in the aftermath of job cuts and a work-from-home culture that has taken root to a much greater degree than in other cities.

A few days later, high-end supermarket chain Whole Foods closed its flagship downtown store, citing elevated levels of theft and fears for its workers’ safety.

Some prominent members of the city’s venture capital community have left, while others warn of the opportunity cost of losing future start-ups to other cities.

“Things had become so fundamentally dysfunctional and were going so badly in the wrong direction that I was not bullish on San Francisco as a place to raise my family,” said Joe Lonsdale, head of $2.7bn venture capital firm 8VC, who relocated from San Francisco to Austin, Texas, in 2020.

Jason Calacanis, a tech entrepreneur and investor, said some entrepreneurs were considering other US cities to launch or grow their businesses. “Founders . . . who used to see San Francisco as the ultimate destination for their start-ups are now choosing to go to Austin, Miami, or the wider Bay Area and avoiding San Francisco,” he said. “The number one reason they tell me is safety issues.”

Even those who are determined to stay in the city are retreating from the centre, such as Felicis Ventures founder Aydin Senkut. He moved the offices of his $3bn investment firm from the financial district to a quieter neighbourhood called Presidio “in part due to downtown feeling much less safe for us than before”.

Homicides and aggravated assaults have increased in San Francisco over the past two years, according to government data. However, the 55 murders recorded last year is roughly average for the last decade and the increase is in line with national US trends. Overall violent crime in the city fell between 2013 and 2021.

“If you look at the statistics you would say [the idea of a crime wave] is more perception [than reality]. But for the public, perception is reality,” said Kanishka Cheng, founder of TogetherSF, a community organisation trying to tackle homelessness and drug abuse in the city.

City data shows the number of people living on the streets actually fell more than 15 per cent to 4,397 between 2019 and last year. “But a few factors changed during the pandemic which made things a lot worse,” said Cheng. “We have a nationwide opioid crisis which spiked during the pandemic.”

What is not in doubt is that San Francisco is emptier than it was before Covid-19, largely because of the enduring popularity of remote working at tech companies. The weekly average number of passengers arriving by train at Embarcadero station, which serves the downtown area, has fallen by about 70 per cent since 2019, according to the body that runs rapid transport. By contrast, the number of passengers commuting into New York’s central subway stations is down between 30 and 40 per cent, per official state figures.

Remote workers have little incentive to live in the city, with rents among the highest in the US. Between July 2020 and 2021, San Francisco lost the most residents by share among major US cities, according to the US Census Bureau.

Vacant office space in San Francisco now totals more than 21mn square feet, according to real estate agency Cushman & Wakefield, while rents have fallen more than 15 per cent from pre-pandemic peaks. Vacancy rates have surged to 30 per cent, compared with 16 per cent in Manhattan and 8 per cent in London, according to real estate agency JLL.

Declining office values are projected to wipe hundreds of millions of dollars from San Francisco’s tax take in the next few years, leaving officials with even less cash to combat social issues.

While the Bay Area is still the dominant US location for start-ups, venture capital and tech innovation, it is slowly losing ground to New York and Los Angeles. It accounted for about a quarter of all US venture capital deals in 2014, but that had declined to just over 20 per cent last year, according to PitchBook.

Some prominent figures in the tech community insist it is still far too early to count San Francisco out, pointing to advantages such as its proximity to Stanford and Berkeley universities. OpenAI, the most highly valued generative AI start-up, is hunting for new office space in the city, according to a real estate broker with knowledge of the company’s plans.

“People love to cast this idea that SF is dead and there’s a new tech centre: Miami, or London or New York,” said Mike Volpi, a partner at Index Ventures. “San Francisco undoubtedly has socio-economic problems, but it is not yet at a point of implosion . . . it’s still a mecca.”

Many are concerned, however, that left unchecked the city’s social problems could drive talent and capital away, undermining San Francisco’s status in the global tech ecosystem.

“About 15 years ago it would have been a joke to [start a tech company] anywhere else,” said 8VC’s Lonsdale. “Now it is no longer the case that it is the only place to start or scale your company. It is still an extremely critical place, but its relative importance has gone down.”
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 19/4/2023 0:45

Numa altura que a volatilidade anda em mínimos, o N100 parece perder momentum e pode estar a entrar num ciclo de descidas. De momento as quedas devem ser mais contidas, com variações menores, quem sabe não estamos a entrar num longo período de mercado aborrecido com o ultimo máximo já bem longo a 21 Novembro de 2021.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por trend=friend » 30/3/2023 10:05

Kooc Escreveu:Acreditando na teoria que as consolidações se dão a meio do movimento, quer no preço, quer no tempo, temos o nasdaq 100 nos 13700 em meados de abril.
Mesmo a tempo de seguir a máxima "sell in May and go away" :twisted:

Kooc, também estou a ver o mesmo e, se reparares, o toque na resistência dos 13750 rondará também o topo do canal ascendente que se vem formando, lá para o final de Abril.

E quem sabe, depois de alguma consolidação, temos aí um IHS a valer 3000 pontos (com cabeça em triplo fundo) lá mais para o final do ano sendo o target… nos máximos históricos na zona dos 16750
If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
Clint Eastwood
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Registado: 27/8/2013 19:39

Re: Nasdaq 100

por Paintball » 30/3/2023 3:51

Nasdaq-100 entra em bull market. \:D/
Nasdaq 100 Enters Bull Market as Bank Jitters Ease, Tech Rallies

Tech-heavy index rises 20% from its Dec. 28 closing low
Top megacap Nasdaq names rallied $600 billion this month

The Nasdaq 100 Index surged into a new bull market Wednesday for the first time in nearly three years as traders pile into technology stocks and angst around the recent bank turbulence eases.

The tech-heavy gauge finished trading up more than 20% from its Dec. 28 closing low, powered by big rallies in megacaps Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp. and Amazon.com Inc.

It finally scrambled above the key threshold after previous failed attempts to do so last week and in early February. The Nasdaq 100 last entered a bull market in April 2020 after a sharp rebound from its March 2020 Covid lows.



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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Kooc » 29/3/2023 22:07

Acreditando na teoria que as consolidações se dão a meio do movimento, quer no preço, quer no tempo, temos o nasdaq 100 nos 13700 em meados de abril.
Mesmo a tempo de seguir a máxima "sell in May and go away" :twisted:
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Kooc » 22/3/2023 23:36

Apesar de ter feito hoje uma Engulfing Bearish , que poderá trazer quedas nos próximos dias, o aspeto é bulish e a projeção desta consolidação é, aproximadamente, nos 14500.
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 8/3/2023 15:37

Estou para escrever sobre isso, mas uma coisa que cada vez tenho mais presente é que os mercados podem não estabelecer uma relação com economia.

Algo que antes tinha uma cega crença e que com o tempo deixei de acreditar.

O mercado não tem sempre razão. O mercado simplesmente é.

Não quero dizer que veja o teu ponto como estando incorrecto, penso é que não existe uma correlação directa intrínseca e forte. É apenas mais uma força na motivação de comprar ou vender activos, entre muitas outras.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por peterteam2 » 8/3/2023 14:24

BearManBull Escreveu:Está com dificuldade em arrancar, mas tecnicamente dá aspecto que os longos voltaram a entrar no mercado.

Depois da bomba da FED de ontem as quedas até foram relativamente contidas.

Na próxima terça feira o IPC de Fevereiro dos USA vem abaixo do esperado e volta a festa !
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 8/3/2023 10:39

Está com dificuldade em arrancar, mas tecnicamente dá aspecto que os longos voltaram a entrar no mercado.

Depois da bomba da FED de ontem as quedas até foram relativamente contidas.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 26/1/2023 0:49

N100 volta a dar ar de graça.

Quem tem estado atento às ultimas sessões pode ter reparado que abre com gap down e depois recupera. Um sinal que os touros não se deixam desmoralizar facilmente.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 20/1/2023 14:19

Depois de a Microsoft confirmar que vai despedir 10.000 funcionários até final do seu terceiro trimestre fiscal, a "onda" de despedimentos do mundo tecnológico afeta agora a Alphabet. A casa-mãe da Google vai avançar com o despedimento de 12.000 colaboradores: o equivalente a 6% do total de funcionários que emprega.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por BearManBull » 16/1/2023 0:07

O N100 teve uma semana em grande. Vamos ver se tem força para continuar com as subidas.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq 100

por Kooc » 6/1/2023 0:58

Gráfico semanal.
Uma visão (muito) negativa do indice. Quedas fortes até tocar na base do canal, que coincide com o suporte dos 8000. Para quem pensa que isto era o fim do mundo, apenas ia para valores de Outubro de 2019
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