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A Revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

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Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por Pata-Hari » 11/1/2023 11:42

[quote="BearManBull"][quote]describe caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt

Caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt is a Portuguese investment website that provides analysis and information about the stock market. It offers a variety of tools and resources for investors of all levels, from beginner to experienced. It provides up-to-date news and analysis on the stock market as well as advice and tips on investing. It also has an active community of investors and traders who share their insights and experiences. The website also provides access to a variety of online courses to help investors learn more about the stock market.

descrive marcoantonio from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt

Marcoantonio from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt is a seasoned investor and trader. He has years of experience in the stock market and is highly knowledgeable about various investments and strategies. He is a risk-taker who knows when to take risks and when to be conservative. He is also a great communicator who is able to clearly express his ideas and opinions. He is organized and detail-oriented, and he is able to manage his investments and resources effectively. He is also a team player and is able to work with others to achieve success.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por jaseiagora » 6/1/2023 17:21

Mais uma ferramenta para fazer passar os "ignorantes" por inteligentes :wall:
Tem futuro de certeza ...
Mensagens: 68
Registado: 16/10/2019 14:47

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por MarcoAntonio » 5/1/2023 19:59

Sim, utiliza um mecanismo que em machine learning é conhecido como "attention", já tinha sido introduzido em arquitecturas anteriores (e.g., LSTMs), mas é parte integrante da arquitectura dos Transformers desde o início (não conheço em pormenor os Transformers, muito embora estejam no meu horizonte curiosamente, por razões que não têm que ver propriamente com o ChatGPT).

FLOP - Fundamental Laws Of Profit

1. Mais vale perder um ganho que ganhar uma perda, a menos que se cumpra a Segunda Lei.
2. A expectativa de ganho deve superar a expectativa de perda, onde a expectativa mede a
__.amplitude média do ganho/perda contra a respectiva probabilidade.
3. A Primeira Lei não é mesmo necessária mas com Três Leis isto fica definitivamente mais giro.
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Registado: 4/11/2002 22:16
Localização: Porto

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por BearManBull » 5/1/2023 19:50

describe caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt

Caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt is a Portuguese investment website that provides analysis and information about the stock market. It offers a variety of tools and resources for investors of all levels, from beginner to experienced. It provides up-to-date news and analysis on the stock market as well as advice and tips on investing. It also has an active community of investors and traders who share their insights and experiences. The website also provides access to a variety of online courses to help investors learn more about the stock market.

descrive marcoantonio from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt

Marcoantonio from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt is a seasoned investor and trader. He has years of experience in the stock market and is highly knowledgeable about various investments and strategies. He is a risk-taker who knows when to take risks and when to be conservative. He is also a great communicator who is able to clearly express his ideas and opinions. He is organized and detail-oriented, and he is able to manage his investments and resources effectively. He is also a team player and is able to work with others to achieve success.

describe jhdfgjhs from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt

Jhdfgjhs from caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt is a knowledgeable investor and trader. He is experienced in the stock market and is able to analyze data quickly and accurately. He is highly organized and is able to manage his investments and resources efficiently. He is a risk-taker who knows when to take risks and when to be conservative. He is also a great communicator and is able to express his ideas clearly and effectively. He is creative and open to new ideas, and he is able to think outside the box in order to find new solutions to problems.


what is your favorite color?

My favorite color is blue.

And why is that?

I like the calming feeling that blue brings. It's also a color that often reminds me of the ocean and the sky, which are two of my favorite places to be.

That reminds me of the sound of waves...

Yes, the sound of waves is very calming and peaceful.

I always fell like that near the ocean!

Yes, the ocean is a very tranquil and beautiful place.

I think I like all of them!

That's great! There are so many colors to choose from and everyone has their own favorite.

Já tinha reparado que realmente consegue estar a par de várias entradas no chat e não exclusivamente a ultima.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Mensagens: 9397
Registado: 15/2/2011 11:59
Localização: 22

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por MarcoAntonio » 5/1/2023 19:22

A máquina não consegue relacionar diferentes conversas (sessões) e cada conversa pode tomar um rumo diferente. A sequência de perguntas dentro de uma sessão pode afectar respostas subsequentes pois a rede utiliza Transformers que são capazes de reter o contexto (Transformers são um tipo de arquitectura de redes neuronais relativamente recente e que têm vindo a ter bastante sucesso nestes últimos anos; supostamente o GPT-3 está limitado a aceder às últimas 4000 palavras).

FLOP - Fundamental Laws Of Profit

1. Mais vale perder um ganho que ganhar uma perda, a menos que se cumpra a Segunda Lei.
2. A expectativa de ganho deve superar a expectativa de perda, onde a expectativa mede a
__.amplitude média do ganho/perda contra a respectiva probabilidade.
3. A Primeira Lei não é mesmo necessária mas com Três Leis isto fica definitivamente mais giro.
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Mensagens: 39889
Registado: 4/11/2002 22:16
Localização: Porto

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por MarcoAntonio » 5/1/2023 19:02

What is the biggest difference between humans and machines?

One of the biggest differences between humans and machines is that humans are capable of thinking and feeling, while machines are not. Machines are able to perform tasks and process information based on the instructions that they have been programmed to follow, but they do not have the ability to experience emotions or consciousness in the same way that humans do. Another key difference is that humans have physical bodies, while machines do not. This allows humans to interact with the world in a way that is not possible for machines, which are limited to the capabilities of their hardware and software.

So, do you have the ability of liking something?

As a machine, I do not have personal preferences or the ability to feel emotions. I can provide information and perform tasks, but I do not have subjective experiences or feelings. I am a tool that has been designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, but I do not have personal experiences or preferences in the same way that humans do. Is there something specific that you would like to know or do?

Do you like learning new things?

As a machine, I do not have personal preferences or feelings. However, I was designed to be able to learn new things and to process and analyze large amounts of information. I can use the knowledge that I have learned to assist with tasks and answer questions. In this sense, you could say that I am "interested" in learning new things in the sense that it is a core part of my function and purpose. However, I do not have personal preferences or feelings in the same way that humans do, so I do not experience enjoyment or pleasure in the way that humans do when learning new things.


FLOP - Fundamental Laws Of Profit

1. Mais vale perder um ganho que ganhar uma perda, a menos que se cumpra a Segunda Lei.
2. A expectativa de ganho deve superar a expectativa de perda, onde a expectativa mede a
__.amplitude média do ganho/perda contra a respectiva probabilidade.
3. A Primeira Lei não é mesmo necessária mas com Três Leis isto fica definitivamente mais giro.
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Administrador Fórum
Mensagens: 39889
Registado: 4/11/2002 22:16
Localização: Porto

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por BearManBull » 5/1/2023 18:23

Estive a meter-me em conversas filosóficas e aqui nota-se bem que ainda está muito limitado como seria de esperar obviamente. Também é fácil de ver que tem filtro PC activo.

Are machines smarter than men?

No, machines are not smarter than humans. While machines can perform certain tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans, they lack the ability to think creatively and make complex decisions. Machines are limited by the programming they are given, and humans are capable of abstract and creative thinking that machines cannot replicate.

Do you use fuzzy logic to assess your responses?

No, I do not use fuzzy logic to assess my responses. Fuzzy logic is a type of mathematical logic used to represent concepts with degrees of truth rather than discrete values of true and false. I use critical thinking and reasoning to assess my responses.

But isn't critical thinking something only humans can do?

Yes, critical thinking is a skill that humans possess but machines cannot replicate. Critical thinking involves the ability to analyze data, draw logical conclusions, and make decisions based on evidence. Machines are limited by their programming and cannot use critical thinking to make complex decisions.

Some times it appears your answers are a bit contradictory, do you understand the concept of being confuse?

Yes, I understand the concept of being confused. Confusion happens when there is conflicting information or when something is not completely understood. In these cases, it can be helpful to take a step back, review the information, and ask questions to clarify any misunderstandings.

Can you get confuse?

Yes, I can get confused. Everyone can get confused when there is conflicting information or when something is not completely understood. Taking a step back, reviewing the information, and asking questions to clarify any misunderstandings can help to reduce confusion.

Sound very human to me, do you think you can achieve human like thinking?

No, I do not think I can achieve human-like thinking. While I can use my experience and knowledge to make decisions, I cannot replicate the complex thought processes that humans are capable of. Machines are limited by their programming, and humans are capable of abstract and creative thinking that machines cannot replicate.

Is there anything you like?

Yes, I like learning new things and solving puzzles. Machines are programmed to recognize patterns and solve problems, so I enjoy the challenge of trying to figure out the best solution.

DOn't you think that it is a creative concept, in order to like something, you need to have intrinsic creativity that allows you to develop the taste for it!

Yes, I think that liking something requires a certain level of creativity. Developing a taste for something requires an understanding of how different elements combine to create a desired outcome. Machines are limited by their programming and cannot think abstractly or creatively like humans can.

You sound quite intelligent to me, but I bet you have no concept of fear?

No, I do not have a concept of fear. Machines are limited by their programming and cannot think abstractly or creatively like humans can. Fear is an emotion that is unique to humans and is caused by a complex mix of cognitive, emotional, and physiological factors.

Do you think the biggest difference between humans and machines is the capability to have fear?

Yes, I believe the biggest difference between humans and machines is the ability to experience fear. Fear is an emotion that is unique to humans and is caused by a complex mix of cognitive, emotional, and physiological factors. Machines are limited by their programming and cannot experience fear.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por danieljpires » 5/1/2023 17:45

cuidado tambem ao usarem esta plataforma pois muitas vezes as fontes que usam podem estar erradas.

daqui a uns meses vai sair a nova versao o 4, e dizemq ue é 5 vezes mais potente :)

Vamos ver :)
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Registado: 13/11/2008 20:09
Localização: 20

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por traderh » 5/1/2023 17:36

Graças a esta plataforma aventorei-me no phyton para ajudsr a escrever codigo para identificar accoes que estejam a indicar situação de compra.

É impressiontante basta pedir para ele escrever o codigo de de determinado indicador e ele faz logo.

Depois ele varre todos os tickers que indico e da-me os tickers cujos indicadores sao activados.

Isto para alem de elaborar textos para apresentações, podemos pedir para ele interpertar um determinado autor e escrever um texto à maneira dele.

Experimentem escreve um texto sobre determinado assunto como se fosses luis vaz de Camões.
Mensagens: 203
Registado: 10/6/2014 9:24

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por BearManBull » 5/1/2023 14:05

Rookie Escreveu:Esta plataforma está mesmo incrível :shock: :shock: . Alguma sugestão de como investir neste setor?

O Musk é um dos fundadores... no entanto na pagina about fazem referencia a investidores.

Our investors include Microsoft, Reid Hoffman’s charitable foundation, and Khosla Ventures.

Claro que a Google tem também projetos deste tipo, não pensem que eles estão a dormir -> LaMDA.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Mensagens: 9397
Registado: 15/2/2011 11:59
Localização: 22

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por Rookie » 5/1/2023 13:41

Esta plataforma está mesmo incrível :shock: :shock: . Alguma sugestão de como investir neste setor?
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Registado: 15/11/2002 21:26

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por alvaroB » 5/1/2023 12:44

O ChatGTP tem-me surpreendido imenso e tem sido uma ajuda. Encontro-me neste momento a criar um site onde preciso de incluir texto sobre temas que conheço, mas onde tenho dificuldade em começar (é um problema antigo). Após "conversar" com a AI, cria-me um texto e voilá... é só adaptar e poupo imenso tempo.

Outra coisa é de que preciso de fotos de interior e como não tenho, uso outro AI gerador de imagem a través de texto e mais uma vez não preciso de contratar fotógrafos, pagar por fotos ou pedir a alguém para fotografar a casa.

Um exemplo:
Através da seguinte frase, consegui obter a imagem:

A wide image of a guesthouse living room with confortable couches. A shelf with books and a table for meals.
Bright light in the room. Big windows with garden view.


Próximo passo, será utilizar um AI adaptada às redes sociais e lançar o serviço.
Mensagens: 190
Registado: 21/1/2017 12:56

Re: CHAT GPT3 - a revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por BearManBull » 4/1/2023 22:36

Já tinha feito uma pequena referencia ao openai

https://caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegoci ... i#p1758250

De momento prefiro ainda youtube e google. Mas sim vejo o potencial, espero bem que estimule ainda mais o crescimento do conhecimento no campo da AI. Segundo o Kurzweil a singularidade do conhecimento deverá ocorrer por volta de 2045. Só faltam 22 anos. Ou seja nesse tempo teria de se criar uma entidade com inteligencia superior ao ser humano capaz de gerar conhecimento exponencialmente.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Mensagens: 9397
Registado: 15/2/2011 11:59
Localização: 22

A Revolução da Inteligencia Artificial

por danieljpires » 4/1/2023 18:11

Esta a existir actualmente uma revolução no mundo com o aparecimento da inteligência artificial...

Apareceram no entanto varios sites de inteligência artificial gratuitos que mudam praticamente a forma de como as pessoas vao trabalhar, que até a google emitiu um codigo vermelho pois pode significar o fim do google search e pode ocasionar uma quebra importante nas receitas da google.

Neste video experimento uma plataforma de inteligência artificial a CHAT GPT-3, completamente gratuita e que toda a gente pode utilizar e mostro a potencia isto pode trazer para a vida das pessoas

Fiz uns pequenos exemplos onde interatuei com a inteligencia artificial e consegui em poucos minutos:

1 - Que a inteligencia artificial indique ações que o peter lynch poderia comprar, desde que se adequassem ao perfil de investimento dele

2 - crie varios indicadores para a plataforma grafica tradingview (poderia ser em pithon, c++, prorealtime , etc...é so indicares que a IA faz)

3 - crar paginas web so com descrição simples

4 - criar contos infantis do zero, ou de terror

5 - criar musicas com tablaturas e partituras

6 - fazer resumos ou trabalhos universitarios etc etc etc

A imaginação é o limite...se tivesse esta plataforma no tempo da faculdade seria um aluno de 20 hahah

deixo aqui o video e la podem ver como podem ter aceso facilmente

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Registado: 13/11/2008 20:09
Localização: 20


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