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Marijuana Stocks

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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 26/7/2022 9:34

1000% \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
sundial.JPG (48.76 KiB) Visualizado 17880 vezes
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 22/7/2022 18:59

Algumas figuras forçadas mas ainda falta consolidar uma subida. De momento continuam bear.

Na escala mensal mostram que podem querer consolidar um fundo mas ainda não está certo.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por kidd » 22/7/2022 9:54

Bom dia

Tb estou a apostar na Tilray!

O congresso dos EUA vão eventualmente aprovar a descriminalização da cannabis

https://www.investors.com/news/marijuan ... src=A00220

Vamos ver o que acontece!

Mensagens: 344
Registado: 16/6/2016 10:21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por itisi1000 » 21/7/2022 22:50


Acompanho 3 delas que estão no top15 market cap das cannabis stocks.
Posição no Ranking:

14 - Canopy
5 - Tilray
15 - Aurora

Estão na ordem dos 70% de quedas YTD.
O potencial de subida é enorme de cada uma, bem superior ao potencial de descida, com a queda que já levam. Perspectivas para o setor não as melhores, já terão interiorizado a maioria das mesmas, mas estou a pensar num movimento puramente especulativo, e arriscar um tiro de 1000 EUR em cada uma das 3, para depois esquecer que existem.

Coloco igualmente preço de venda em cada uma, 200% acima do preço de compra.

Potencial perda :3k
Potencial ganho : 9k

Prazo : sem prazo!

Basta conseguir o planeado numa delas,para já não perder.

Jogariam as vossas fichas na mesma, ou diversificam equitativamente pelas 3?
Estão cotadas na bolsa do Canadá. O horário de negociação é o mesmo dos USA? 14:40h-21h?

Obrg a quem não ignorar

Mensagens: 237
Registado: 25/10/2015 12:33

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por rg7803 » 21/7/2022 15:55

Esta está outra desgraça igual. Ainda fiz uns trades nisto mas para já o cenário continua bear e sem sinais de querer inverter.
“Buy high, sell higher...”.
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por rg7803 » 21/7/2022 15:53

esta até é bom que anime aqui...senão já não tem mais chão...
“Buy high, sell higher...”.
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Registado: 1/5/2008 23:09
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por rg7803 » 21/7/2022 15:50

kidd Escreveu:Parece que ninguém ligou nenhuma ao meu aviso! :roll:

mas qual aviso ??
estás a falar de que activo em concreto?
“Buy high, sell higher...”.
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Mensagens: 4223
Registado: 1/5/2008 23:09
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por kidd » 21/7/2022 14:27

Parece que ninguém ligou nenhuma ao meu aviso! :roll:
Mensagens: 344
Registado: 16/6/2016 10:21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por kidd » 20/7/2022 15:14

Tilray vai fazer o volume médio diário numa hora! \:D/
Mensagens: 344
Registado: 16/6/2016 10:21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por kidd » 20/7/2022 14:52

Estão a despertar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:
Mensagens: 344
Registado: 16/6/2016 10:21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por afcapitao » 17/7/2022 16:00

NirSup Escreveu:
afcapitao Escreveu:Cada tiro cada melro!


Caro afcapitao,
Fiz, recentemente, três postagens sobre aquilo a que o Smart Money designa por Unusual Options Activity.
Em duas delas, a aposta feita pelo Smart Money confirmou-se. Na outra não.
Não me recordo, mas peço desde já desculpa se estiver enganado, de ter visto qualquer comentário teu nas outras duas em que a aposta se confirmou.
E gostava de salientar que não são apostas minhas, que não compro nem call options nem put options. São apostas de investidores em geral nesses instrumentos financeiros.
By Nirvana

Calma NirSup, eu não quis ofender. Mas não resisti em assinalar que às vezes com tanta certeza, quase como se fosse óbvio que vai subir, acabamos por não acertar. Acontece-me muito, e sou o primeiro a admitir.
Continua a comentar e trazer conteúdo. Eu vou seguindo e tentarei fazer o mesmo quando possível.
Um abraço
Mensagens: 335
Registado: 8/3/2012 17:31
Localização: 21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por NirSup » 16/7/2022 18:19

afcapitao Escreveu:Cada tiro cada melro!


Caro afcapitao,
Fiz, recentemente, três postagens sobre aquilo a que o Smart Money designa por Unusual Options Activity.
Em duas delas, a aposta feita pelo Smart Money confirmou-se. Na outra não.
Não me recordo, mas peço desde já desculpa se estiver enganado, de ter visto qualquer comentário teu nas outras duas em que a aposta se confirmou.
E gostava de salientar que não são apostas minhas, que não compro nem call options nem put options. São apostas de investidores em geral nesses instrumentos financeiros.
By Nirvana
Não há machado que corte a raiz ao pensamento. Não há morte para o vento. Não há morte.
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Mensagens: 4161
Registado: 29/4/2014 15:34

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por afcapitao » 15/7/2022 14:38

Cada tiro cada melro!
Mensagens: 335
Registado: 8/3/2012 17:31
Localização: 21

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por NirSup » 14/7/2022 23:39

TILRAY: Unusual Call Options Activity

Isto não é certeza de coisa nenhuma, mas o Smart Money aposta que esta menina irá revisitar os 4 USD durante o dia de amanhã.
Ninguém ficará rico com isso, mas é melhor um pequeno ganho do que ganho nenhum.

Tilray Call Options: termina dia 15/07/2022

By Nirvana
Não há machado que corte a raiz ao pensamento. Não há morte para o vento. Não há morte.
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Registado: 29/4/2014 15:34

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por J_Investidor » 14/7/2022 20:37

Obrigado Nirsup
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Registado: 15/12/2018 19:39

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por NirSup » 14/7/2022 18:25

J_Investidor Escreveu:Hoje houve um disparo.
Até agora não encontrei qualquer notícia. Sabem o que se passa?

"Senate Democrats plan to introduce a bill to decriminalize marijuana at the federal level next week, although the legislation faces long odds in the evenly divided chamber. "

By Nirvana
Não há machado que corte a raiz ao pensamento. Não há morte para o vento. Não há morte.
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Mensagens: 4161
Registado: 29/4/2014 15:34

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por J_Investidor » 14/7/2022 17:32

Hoje houve um disparo.
Até agora não encontrei qualquer notícia. Sabem o que se passa?

Mensagens: 447
Registado: 15/12/2018 19:39

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 20/4/2022 20:38

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por F63 » 25/3/2022 0:57

Com o que se está a passar estranho este tópico estar escondido nas profundezas... :lol:
Parece que na pr´óxima semana a legalização da marijuana a nível federal vai a votação. Os títulos do sector têm estado em evidência, principalmente a TLRY e SNDL.

Mensagens: 240
Registado: 7/2/2017 15:10

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 23/1/2022 17:10

Toda a indefinição politica a ser bem reflectida no preço.

O mais certo é que o senado perca maioria democrata em 2022 e como tal ou aceleram o processo de legalização ou vai ficar na gaveta por um longo periodo.

O mais provavel é que fique tudo como estava ainda para mais com os problemas que a Russia tem provocado que agora vai centrar todas as atenções.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Registado: 15/2/2011 11:59
Localização: 22

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 23/1/2022 16:50

Big Weed is on the brink of scoring big political wins. So where are they?

Marijuana advocates are stuck in the weeds.

Cannabis policy has never had a rosier outlook on Capitol Hill: Democrats control both Congress and the White House, seven new states just legalized recreational marijuana, and the cannabis industry has gained powerful new allies in companies like Amazon and conservative groups like Americans for Prosperity that are backing federal reform. The industry has even lured powerful advocates like former GOP House Speaker John Boehner and former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle to help push its agenda.

ut nearly one year into this Congress, not one piece of cannabis legislation has been sent to the president's desk. There is growing fear among advocates that the window to act is closing.

Industry lobbyists and legalization advocates say the movement has been stymied by a lack of consensus on the legislative strategy. Liberal advocacy groups are pushing for a comprehensive overhaul of federal cannabis policies with the aim of helping people harmed by criminal enforcement, while industry groups are seeking any piecemeal policy victory that could provide momentum toward more sweeping changes.

“There are certain people who are willing to forgo any of it if they don’t get all of it,” said one marijuana lobbyist, speaking on condition of anonymity in order to candidly discuss the industry’s struggles. The lobbyist noted that such a viewpoint is not universally shared, causing a disagreement “that’s stunting the legalization effort.”

As legalization has spread rapidly across the country, making inroads in even staunchly conservative states, the cannabis industry has blossomed into a $25 billion industry, with projections for it to top $40 billion by 2025. And it’s increasingly attracting powerful allies like banks and beer and cigarette makers that want a piece of the burgeoning market.

“Marijuana advocacy is no longer about hippies and long hair, it's about suits and Harvard MBAs,” said Kevin Sabet, president of anti-legalization advocacy group Smart Approaches to Marijuana and a former drug policy advisor to the Clinton, Obama, and George W. Bush administrations. “It's no longer about Woodstock, it's much more about Wall Street.”

But the industry remains a relatively small time player on the D.C. scene, investing little in the influence peddling game that its main competitors — wine, spirits and beer — do on a regular basis.

David Culver, the head of government affairs at Canadian cannabis giant Canopy Growth Corp., laments that the industry just isn’t investing the type of resources needed to effectively push its agenda on Capitol Hill.

“I hope that at some point in the future, we as an industry are able to come together and actually put really significant resources into that type of spend that will move the needle,” Culver said.

The great divide
The recent showdown over cannabis banking highlights the struggles that the cannabis industry has faced. Legislation that would make it easier for cannabis companies to access financial services like loans and checking accounts has broad bipartisan support: The bill has twice passed off the House floor with the backing of more than 100 Republicans.

The bill’s biggest backer, Rep. Ed Perlmutter (D-Colo.), has even attached the proposal to three different must-pass bills in hopes that it might be able to hitch a ride to the president’s desk. Most recently, it was added to the National Defense Authorization Act before it passed the House in September.

But the banking bill has gone nowhere in the Senate.

Part of the reason is opposition from the left. Liberal criminal justice activists have pushed hard to derail the proposal in favor of far more sweeping legislation that would expunge cannabis records and create a grant program to fund businesses run by people who have been impacted by the war on drugs. Maritza Perez of Drug Policy Alliance, which supports legalizing all drugs, says they’ve been far more effective in pushing that message in the Senate than in the House.

“I think the people who are running the show in the House are probably giving more weight to what industry-aligned people are saying, versus advocates like the Drug Policy Alliance are saying,” Perez said.

Additionally, key lawmakers, most notably Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, have been adamant that they don’t support easing banking access unless it’s paired with major criminal justice reforms. During the standoff over the NDAA, Schumer’s view prevailed, frustrating supporters of the cannabis banking bill.

“It's kind of a fantasy by Sen. Schumer [and] Sen. [Cory] Booker that they have the votes for a much bigger bill,” said Perlmutter.

Saphira Galoob, executive director of the National Cannabis Roundtable and a lobbyist, said the SAFE Banking Act remains the most viable piece of legislation before Congress at this point. However, she conceded that the industry had suffered in Washington from cannabis activists with different priorities.

“I think it can be difficult for members of Congress who are just getting educated to understand ... [who] should they be listening to,” Galoob said, pointing out that cannabis is not the only industry that suffers from an array of diverging voices.

Even though she asserted that the industry was maturing, Galoob added: “Should we be further along? Probably.”

Follow the money
Even as cannabis has grown into a multi-billion dollar industry, there hasn’t been a corresponding increase in federal lobbying expenditures. In fact, many major cannabis companies and industry groups actually spent less on federal lobbying in 2021 than they did in earlier years. The three leading cannabis industry groups spent less than $900,000 combined during the first three quarters of last year on lobbying, according to disclosure reports. In contrast, the American Bankers Association — which has emerged as a key ally of the cannabis industry in pushing for banking accesss — spent about $7 million during the same time period.

Cannabis company Curaleaf — which is expected to rake in at least $1.2 billion in revenue this year — spent $220,000 on lobbying during the first nine months of 2021, down from $340,000 during the comparable period for 2020. Similarly, the National Cannabis Industry Association spent just $150,000 on lobbying during the first three quarters of 2021, down from $430,000 during the comparable period in 2019.

Trade groups and industry representatives argue that they are using their money more wisely. Last year, many of the nation’s largest companies coalesced to form the U.S. Cannabis Council, which spent $180,000 on lobbying in the third quarter of 2021. The goal is for the organization to present a unified industry voice on Capitol Hill.

But one cannabis strategist, who was granted anonymity to speak freely about industry tactics, argued that the industry has failed to create a sense of urgency, even as it appears increasingly likely that Democratic control of both chambers of Congress will end after the 2022 midterms. And not even the business community has a singular vision of what reform should look like, the strategist said. Some companies view interstate commerce, for example, which is currently banned due to federal illegality, as a threat to their business model, while others view it as crucial to their expansion plans.

At least six lobbyists or government affairs professionals for cannabis corporations or lobbying groups in D.C. told POLITICO that their focus is increasingly looking to the states or grassroots public support campaigns.

“It's more so just about targeting individual states,” said Canopy Growth Corp.’s Culver, who is also deeply involved with lobbying efforts by the U.S. Cannabis Council. He argued that targeting ads in states to pressure fence-sitting senators could ultimately change the dynamics on Capitol Hill.

Others in the cannabis space argue that the shift towards federal legalization will simply take time, with younger lawmakers on both sides of the aisle far more comfortable with loosening cannabis restrictions. The same cannabis strategist, noting the massive shift in public opinion around legalization in recent years, maintained that there’s “no way that the next generation of elected officials” would “stand in the way.”
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 31/12/2021 11:21

Zonas interessantes no CP. Mas continuo a achar que os 10 sao o momento correcto para entrar.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 28/12/2021 9:38

Sim concordo mas esta linha è muito suspeita. :-k

Mas claro que estes titulos estáo num total bear market...

Eu entro se ultrapassar os 10 como assinalado no gràfico.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Marijuana Stocks

por F63 » 27/12/2021 18:12

BearManBull Escreveu:Sim concordo, deixei claro nao ter grande valor tecnico. Era apenas uma observacao, mais ainda que os os toques sao muitos distantes.

Para mim fica interessante se passar os 10,25.

As marijuana stocks tecnicamente estão uma lástima, mesmo a SNDL que recuperou qualquer coisa dos mínimos.
Importa saber qual a verdadeira razão do desinteresse dos investidores nestes títulos.
Claro que com quedas tão fortes desde os máximos deste ano, uma notícia favorável traria certamente subidas interessantes.
A prudência manda ficar de fora a ver, de forma atenta.

Mensagens: 240
Registado: 7/2/2017 15:10

Re: Marijuana Stocks

por BearManBull » 16/12/2021 19:05

Sim concordo, deixei claro nao ter grande valor tecnico. Era apenas uma observacao, mais ainda que os os toques sao muitos distantes.

Para mim fica interessante se passar os 10,25.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Mensagens: 9397
Registado: 15/2/2011 11:59
Localização: 22


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