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Apple, o fruto mais apetecido?

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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 19/8/2013 17:44

Volume continua baixíssimo e overbought e acentua divergência negativa diário/volume.
Dei-me por contente com este trade e vendi a posição toda a 511,70 (compra a 440)
Vou esperar por nova oportunidade para entrar. Espero uma correcção que pode ir á MM200 sem interferir com a formação da golden cross.

Vamos seguido
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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 17/8/2013 18:45

Estava a olhar para o gráfico diário e salta á vista que o RSI está overbought e há uma bonita divergencia negativa entre o volume e o gráfico diário. Se virem o gráfico mais atrás, sempre que isto occorre, a Apple corrige. Vamos ver segunda. Pode ser a altura de sair e reentrar mais Perto da MM200.
Vamos seguindo
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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por atomez » 16/8/2013 20:23

The New Wall Street Reality: Apple, Icahn, and the $17B Tweet

With just two tweets, Carl Icahn raised the value of the Apple empire by $17 billion. That’s $8.5 billion per tweet, and about $62 million per character — including spaces.

But it wasn’t just Tim Cook and company that came out ahead when Icahn used Twitter to reveal his “large position” in Apple earlier this week. With those two tweets, the billionaire investor — one of the biggest names on Wall Street — also gave himself an enormous boost. That large position was instantly transformed.

At first, to those outside the Wall Street game, it didn’t seem right that one man could so easily raise the value of his own stock holdings. But the reality is that Icahn’s play isn’t all that different from the way Wall Street has always worked. It was just quicker and more direct and more, well, personal. With those two tweets, Icahn was simply taking an old game to a new level. It wasn’t illegal or even unethical. It was shrewd. And it’s sure to become the new normal on Wall Street.

In Wall Street parlance, Icahn was talking his own book. “There are plenty of people who like to tout their own positions, and as long as they’re not misinforming the public, there’s nothing wrong with that,” says James Angel, an associate professor of finance at Georgetown’s McDonough School of Business who specializes in the structure and regulation of the financial markets. “There’s no grievous ethical lapses in him using modern communication tools to get his message out.”

Indeed, the Securities and Exchange Commission has recently said that companies can use social media to disclose financial information — provided they warn investors that it might happen. Icahn’s investment outfit, Icahn Enterprises, did warn the market, saying — in a notice filed with the SEC a day earlier — that he intended to “use Twitter from time to time to communicate with the public about our company and other issues.”

And even that may not have been necessary. With his Tuesday afternoon tweets, the only thing Icahn revealed about his own company is that it owns some Apple stock. You could argue that such a basic disclosure didn’t require formal notice with the SEC.

Even one of the most conspicuous crusaders against misbehavior on Wall Street, Overstock.com CEO Patrick Byrne, doesn’t see a problem. “It is standard practice for such guys to talk their book,” Byrne says. “If that is OK, which it always has been, then Twitter [just] makes it easier,” he says. “[It] is not fouler.”

No, the tweets weren’t foul. They were clever. Icahn Enterprises chief accounting officer Peter Reck declined to discuss the tweets, saying the company was in the middle of a financial restatement, but the company’s intentions are obvious. The tweets were carefully calculated to make Icahn an awful lot of money. But it wasn’t about the short term. He’s playing the long game.

Yes, he could’ve made a bundle simply by tweeting what he did and then dumping his shares. But that would bring down the wrath of the SEC. Icahn is operating in subtler ways, with an eye toward a much bigger payday. With his second tweet, he told the world about private meeting with Tim Cook in which they’d discussed the possibility of Apple buying back a large chunk of its shares.

He’s encouraging investors to buy Apple, but he’s also encouraging Apple to act. He wants the company to stop sitting on all that cash it’s sitting on. “His action can be seen as putting more pressure on Apple,” Angel says. “It brings a lot more addition to the question of whether Apple should give more money back to its shareholders.”

Yes, it’s a game. But that’s Wall Street. What’s most interesting about Icahn’s play is that he seems to give the impression that Apple will do what he says. If you read his tweets, you’re encouraged to buy Apple not only because he’s buying Apple, but because he — the titan of Wall Street — seems to be pushing the tech giant in a new direction. He says that he and Cook are set to talk again.

“He is walking a dangerously fine line,” Byrne says. “It sure looks to me that he is saying, ‘I spoke with Tim Cook and he agreed that they should be buying back stock.’ That rumor, coming from anyone credible, will drive up the stock.”

He could have spread this rumor in other ways — in the papers or on television. But he can spread it so much quicker on Twitter — and spur others into spreading it for him. “It’s a very powerful tool because it’s unfiltered. Others get your message directly and then many of them will pass it on in the echo-sphere of the internet,” Angel says. “Back in the ancient days, everything was filtered — by the print media or the television media. Even the blogosphere is a kind of filter.”

“[Twitter] is not the biggest game changer in history. But it adds another communication tool that can be very useful to the likes of Mr. Icahn.”

Indeed it can.

You could even argue that Icahn’s disclosure to the SEC wasn’t really a disclosure. In hindsight, it looks more like a way to underline the importance of his tweets, of giving them even more weight than they would have otherwise had. As columnist John Shinal suggests, Icahn was almost announcing that Twitter had replaced the good old-fashioned financial news wire.

Forget Bloomberg and Thomson Reuters and Dow Jones. The only reason to use the wires is if you want fewer people to notice. If you want to move the market, use Twitter.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
Niccolò Machiavelli
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 16/8/2013 13:20

Mais uma, lida hoje na secção econmica do Vanguardia.
george Soros compra 66800 acçoes Apple por 25 milhoes de euros. Tambem tem uma participaçao de 260 milhoes de euros na Google. O Carl Ichan detem 1135 milhoes de euros em Apple o que representa menos de 1% do capital da mesma.

Já agora, aproveitei abaixa do Lloyds e reforcei hoje de manha.

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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por VirtuaGod » 15/8/2013 15:26

Tanto falatório tanto falatório (e agora até o Larry Elison a dizer que a apple sem Steve Jobs vai ao charco). Toda a gente culpa o actual CEO pela queda das acções etc etc e esquecem-se de ver os números (nada que me espante).

Desde o dia da morte do Steve Jobs a apple subiu 32%, fez um novo máximo histórico e está com vendas/facturação record. Os 32% foram feitos em pouco menos de 2 anos o que com contas de merceiro vai dar +/- 16% ao ano. De facto aaple tem sido um péssimo investimento depois da morte de Steve Jobs :wall: :wall:

Quanto mais experiência (por muito pouca que seja) tenho mais vejo que a bolsa é mais psicologia que outra coisa qualquer... :-"
Artigos e estudos: Página repositório dos meus estudos e análises que vou fazendo. Regularmente actualizada. É costume pelo menos mais um estudo por semana. Inclui a análise e acompanhamento das carteiras 4 e 8Fundos.
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"We don’t need a crystal ball to be successful investors. However, investing as if you have one is almost guaranteed to lead to sub-par results." The Irrelevant Investor
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 14/8/2013 15:39

Fabuloso. Está overbought e vai descansar. O mais interessante é que já faltou mais para golden cross.
Não, não estou de acordo que seja obrigatório "inovar" para ter mais lucros. Melhorar o que já está feito pode dar um bom boost a esta empresa. Se está ou não undervaluated, como diz o Ichan, não faço a menor ideia.
Continuo em férias e com as posiçoēs todas na Aapl e no Lloyds. Estou sem paciecia para os amuos do Dax.
Mensagens: 6662
Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Xiça » 14/8/2013 10:00

Esse tweet e reunião não poderão ser considerados casos de clara inside information? no minimo...
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por atomez » 14/8/2013 0:02

Single Tweet Sends Apple Shares Soaring

Are you the world’s biggest technology company? Are you frustrated that no matter how many phones or tablets you sell, your stock chart still looks more like the Great Plains than Mount Everest?

Announcing to the world that you planned to flatten the next version of your mobile operating system didn’t do the trick. But you might get lucky. You might get a tweet like this:

"We currently have a large position in APPLE. We believe the company to be extremely undervalued. Spoke to Tim Cook today. More to come."

In the space of fewer than 140 characters, billionaire investor Carl Icahn sent Apple’s stock price soaring. Less than two hours later, Apple shares had closed up by nearly 5 percent at just under $490 (still way off its 52-week peak of $705.07).

Icahn followed up with another tidbit a few minutes later:

"Had a nice conversation with Tim Cook today. Discussed my opinion that a larger buyback should be done now. We plan to speak again shortly."

Apple confirmed the conversation between Icahn and Cook, according to AllThingsD, but didn’t offer additional details.

Icahn did quietly prep the world yesterday for his big social media splash. According to an Icahn Enterprises SEC filing made yesterday: “Our Chairman, Carl C. Icahn, intends to use Twitter from time to time to communicate with the public about our company and other issues.”

Icahn Enterprises specifically cites SEC guidance from a few months ago that companies can use social media to disclose financial data. But tweeting about a private meeting with the chief executive of a publicly traded company not your own doesn’t feel like the use case the agency anticipated.

This isn’t the first time Twitter has moved markets. Still, it’s a powerful reminder of new technology’s unintended consequences. Jack Dorsey may be a fan of Apple, but this probably wasn’t what he had in mind a few years ago when he came up with a way to use text messages to keep track of his friends.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
Niccolò Machiavelli
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por LUISSM3 » 13/8/2013 20:04

Forte rompimento com volume, da resistência e da MM200.

Não sendo alheio ao twitter do Carl Icahn.

Acções: O multimilionário norte americano Carl Icahn colocou uma mensagen no Twitter onde afirma que possui "uma grande posição na Apple". As acções da Apple valorizam já mais de 3%.

Fonte: Streaming GB
APPL 13-08-2013(W).gif
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Bons Ventos,
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 8/8/2013 16:23

Apple volta a ser a empresa mais valiosa do mundo, ultrapassando de novo a Exxon.
Na AT, e sempre no diário, está a desenhar uma bandeirola de alta.
O trade é de longo prazo.
vamos seguindo
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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Eurouro » 6/8/2013 23:36

Dia 2 Julho tinha anunciado o trade longo. Neste momento o stop está 438usd com profit a 500 a andar umas sessões acima da MM200.
O trade é de curto prazo, uma vez que eu vejo um padrão igual para apple ao do google em 2008.
A Apple tem que descansar da subida da década e grande parta da inovação já foi anunciada.

Boa sorte quem tem estado dentro.
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Registado: 18/7/2013 16:01

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 6/8/2013 18:36

Bem, na mouche! tocou a MM200 e descansou.
Estava a olhar para o gráfico no stockcharts.com e reparei que a mm200 está bem acima da MM50. Isto quer dizer que ainda tem muito que subir até se dar a golden cross.
Mantenho a posição longa.
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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Blue Epsilon » 5/8/2013 23:18

Navete Escreveu:
Clinico Escreveu:Para quem está dentro, a Apple está a recuperar bem. A MM200 pode ser uma resistência, tanto mas que começa a estar overbought no RSI.
Estou dentro desde os 440.

Grande Clinico... Quem é amigo quem é? :)

É o Euroverde!!! :mrgreen:

Então quer dizer que Eurouro = Euroverde...

A que se deve a mudança de cor? Bullish no ouro, presumo?

PS: Longo na maçã.
Segue a tendência e não te armes em herói ao tentar contrariá-la.
Podes tentar, mas o Mercado é um monstro selvagem que provavelmente te irá engolir.
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Navete » 5/8/2013 23:16

Clinico Escreveu:Para quem está dentro, a Apple está a recuperar bem. A MM200 pode ser uma resistência, tanto mas que começa a estar overbought no RSI.
Estou dentro desde os 440.

Grande Clinico... Quem é amigo quem é? :)

É o Euroverde!!! :mrgreen:
Como diz o cego, a ver vamos...
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Clinico » 5/8/2013 20:31

Para quem está dentro, a Apple está a recuperar bem. A MM200 pode ser uma resistência, tanto mas que começa a estar overbought no RSI.
Estou dentro desde os 440.
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Registado: 1/6/2003 0:13

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Rafgopt » 30/7/2013 16:38

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL): Tim Cook appears to be making a personal pitch to local telecoms in China, with speculation swirling around the cheaper, plastic-bodied iPhones designed for emerging markets since the official reason for the CEO’s visit was not revealed. Apple is already partnered with China Telecom and its 700 million or so subscribers, and the visit could be a preemptive move before a new phone release.
It’s Cook’s third visit to the country since he took the reins at the company.

Os 450 parece que ficaram para trás. Após os bons resultados e estando a entrar na altura da divulgação dos novos produtos a comercializar no natal, digamos que começa a compor o ramalhete.
Vamos andando dia a dia até chegar o nosso dia!
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Eurouro » 23/7/2013 23:36

Eu só estou à espera dos 500 porque penso que este ano estamos em 1987 e o mercado pode trocar-nos as voltas, coincidindo os 500 da Apple com o máximo nos indices norte americanos.

Uma queda de 30% no SP500 levaria nas actuais circunstâncias muito mais de 2 anos a recuperar ao contrário de 1987.
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Registado: 18/7/2013 16:01

Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Rockerduck » 23/7/2013 22:17


UPDATE 1-Strong iPhone sales buoy Apple's Q3, shares climb
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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Re: Apple, o fruto mais apetecido? (cont.)

por Midas » 23/7/2013 21:49

Bloomberg Escreveu:

Apple Beats Earnings Estimates; Shares Rise 4.2%

Jul 23, 2013 4:32 PM EDT

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por rg7803 » 2/7/2013 22:21

Bom gráfico EV.

Pode ser que o duplo fundo seja activado.

Boa sorte.
“Buy high, sell higher...”.
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por EuroVerde » 2/7/2013 22:15

Navete Escreveu:
EuroVerde Escreveu:Rebusco este tópico para dizer atenção à Apple!

Acabou de bater o suporte e pode em breve fazer ricochete para cima. perto dos 500usd.

Amigo Euro, ainda bem que está em cima da jogada!!! :mrgreen:

Que tal um gráfico bonito!? :)

Deixou GAP...

Mas isto irá catapultar o Nasdaq.

Cá vai :mrgreen:

Espero que quem esteja nisto fique bem.
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por Navete » 1/7/2013 21:59

EuroVerde Escreveu:Rebusco este tópico para dizer atenção à Apple!

Acabou de bater o suporte e pode em breve fazer ricochete para cima. perto dos 500usd.

Amigo Euro, ainda bem que está em cima da jogada!!! :mrgreen:

Que tal um gráfico bonito!? :)

Deixou GAP...

Mas isto irá catapultar o Nasdaq.
Como diz o cego, a ver vamos...
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por EuroVerde » 1/7/2013 21:44

Rebusco este tópico para dizer atenção à Apple!

Acabou de bater o suporte e pode em breve fazer ricochete para cima. perto dos 500usd.
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por BearManBull » 30/5/2013 18:52

US senators and tax law professors have accused Apple of multi-billion-dollar tax avoidance – shifting billions of dollars of profits to Ireland where Apple has found a way to pay little or no tax. Apple boss Tim Cook disagrees. He insists there is no shifting going on, and that profits earned by Apple's Irish operations are down to the hard work and expertise of almost 4,000 staff in Cork. The Guardian went to the Emerald Isle to test these competing claims

Não dava para fazer share do video por isso fica o link para o artigo audiovisual do Guardian.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/vi ... cret-video
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por Midas » 17/5/2013 16:04

Bloomberg Escreveu:BREAKING NEWS

Apple Mobile Devices Approved for Use on U.S. Military Networks

May 17, 2013 9:57 AM EDT

Visit Bloomberg.com for the latest updates.
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